Wednesday, May 20, 2015

 A new style for me. Thought I'd do some work with colors rather than concentrating on the forms. I kind of like them. On the bottom one the gesso was really bumpy. which is not so good, but it looks worse in the scan than in real life.
6x6" oil on masonite

Monday, May 11, 2015

8 x 8 oil on board

6 x 6 oil on board

8 x 8 oil on board.

Three paintings of radishes. Don't know why I liked them. Maybe because they're white instead of the usual red. I know the little tails are really interesting. The blues came out nice in the last one, not too cool.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The second bacon eggs biscuits and gravy painting.  It was just dry enough to scan tonight. I did touch up the bacon and eggs as they were looking a little flat. But now, done is done. I hope to have it in the mail to Nicholas tomorrow.